Friday, 2 September 2011

I have been trying to build a new website

Everyone tells me how easy it is. I am not actually building the website from scratch, but have been doing it through weebly. The trouble is I am too impatient. I just want it to look and work properly without having to learn how to do it. And I want a great deal of control over the text.

Anyway, my first attempts can be viewed at The text reads remarkably like the home page on the Publishing Cupboard website. That is because I just copied it.

I used a wedding theme website but I don't like the block capitals of the site name. Apparently I can change theme at the drop of a bouquet, but not the chosen type style.

If anyone out there who visits websites has any advice to offer on what they like to find on one, please leave a comment. I am not even sure if websites are even such a big deal anymore.


catdownunder said...

Rather you than me - I know nothing about building websites!

Harry Campbell said...

I think there are techy ways of forcing Weebly to be more flexible, but it's probably easier just to choose another theme.

Maybe also another photo? The pink in that woman's cheeks is positively disturbing. What kind of dreams is she having?