Saturday, 3 September 2011

Website progress

I have been making tiny steps on the website front. After following some instructions from some web enthusiast I stumbled across, I managed to produce a page with a yellow background, a heading and a line that ticker taped across the bottom.

So, I suppose that is something. Then I got this book from the library and read it. As one customer review states, it starts well and then makes some enormous jump into css without explaining what it is. However, it did mean I could go and copy the source of a website and begin to play about with it.

I think the problem with new technology and a slightly fossilized brain is that I need to get an understanding of terms used. I remember my father becoming infuriated with his mac because he couldn't create a document, he kept just making folder after folder. Essentially, it was a question of understanding the language. In macspeak a document was a file. At least I think it was if my memory serves me right. Obviously, in his eyes a file didn't sound anything like what he was after.

I have also been getting much better acquainted with Word 2010. I have heard so many complaints from friends who prefer the old layout. I even ended up buying a book on the subject and again it is a question of language. I think because new products keep being produced, the manufacturers feel changing the labelling is something that should also be done. But it is infuriating trying to work out what mindset they work under. For ages I couldn't find the spellcheck because it was under the review menu. It turns out that the band across the top (with all the dropdown menus) is called the ribbon. To us old enough to remember, that smacks of a typewriter. It is not the technology that foxes people, it is the language it is labelled with.

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