Well, that is me back from MacAulay & Co and still in one piece. First of all, I would like to thank Dave who co-presented the show with Fred and was the guinea pig for Nod off in Spanish.
That is the first time I have been on a radio show and was surprised at how informal it all is. You just turn up a few minutes beforehand, they usher you into the studio, you put on the earphones and away you go.
My biggest fear was of sounding too boring. Instead of my voice speeding up like normal people, I go into voice-hibernation mode where it slows down. What was really good was to find out how well Dave did with the quiz at the end.
Even more fascinating was to hear him say how he recalled bits of the CD that he believed he had slept through coming back to him when he re-listened. So, if you have found that you have fallen asleep, don't despair. A re-listen through the next day will confirm that indeed while you have been zzzzing, your brain has taken the strain and done the listening. Our brains are truly amazing things.
If you want to listen just click here and it will take you to the BBC website. The Nod offs were the first item.
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