Wednesday, 13 April 2011

The Nod off approach

It is funny how people ask what definite proof I can give them that the Nod off approach works. I can't really offer them anything hugely substantial for my own part (though much research has been done), but when I ask them 'Did you learn French from all those years at school?', they don't have much of a jambe to stand on.

Now and again I hear snippets that bolster the theory that sleep time is a fertile period to learn things in. I was chatting to a doctor who told me that they were advised as students not to chat during surgery. The patient may be under general anaesthetic but they can still hear what is being said around them. If the doctors believe it, then that's good enough for me.

Am just reading Eat, Pray and Love. I very much enjoyed the Eat part in Rome. Elizabeth Gilbert is pretty sharp at defining what it is to be Italian.

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