Monday, 18 April 2011

Just an observation

For many years (and I mean this), I watched a beautiful stainless steel saucepan become more and more grimy around the base. I could post a picture of it but I would be too ashamed. I couldn't ever work out why I seemed to be the only one with such an unspeakable saucepan. Nor did I ever think to ask anyone about it.

Anyway, a few weeks ago I noticed my mother had a stainless steel scouring pad by the sink. I also noticed that she had awfully clean saucepans. She also has a very efficient cleaning lady.

So when I got back to Glasgow I decided to try it out. Imagine my surprise when, with much elbow grease, it made inroads to my 20-odd years layer of grime (yes, that long).

My point is that unless one is told about such basic stuff, you live blithely in squalor, with the occasional self questioning about why other people seem to live in such sparkling kitchens.

It's not that they have some particular magic, they obviously know or have been told about such things. And as more and more people live separate lives, who is going to fill us in on all this important stuff?

1 comment:

Harry Campbell said...

Ah yes, those separate lives we all lead today, cut off from communicating with each other by all these modern inventions like phones, texts, internet and what have you...

Anyway, surely the bottom of a saucepan is a prime example of something that does not need to be cleaned! Bet the tyres on your car are *filthy*. Wait till advertising and peer pressure get cracking on that!

S R Key-Gitt