Friday 25 February 2011


Once upon a time a charger was something a handsome knight rode into battle on. Now it is the bain of my life. Once upon a time the only mystery in a home was why one ended up with so many single socks. Now I have a jungle of chargers springing out of drawers (rather like the spun sugar you see on MasterChef puddings). And we are not talking horses here.

They seem to multiply, they seem to tangle together, they seem never to be the right one for the thing it has to plug into. Why is that? I spend hours looking for one, give into moaning offspring, buy a replacement, only to find the one I was looking for the very next day. Why is that?

I believe a pancharger is coming into being. About bloody time too. Why is it that the mobile/ipod/camera/game industries contrive to torment us with all these different types of charger?

No wonder our lives our stressful. As well as having DAD (Deficit Attention Disorder) produced from all these gadgets, we also have CFC (Can't Find Charger) to contend with.


Harry Campbell said...

"Now it is the bain of my life... No wonder our lives our stressful". They really our. It's a pane! ;-]

catdownunder said...

Here Downunder it is even worse...because we call it ADD (attention deficit disorder) but I suppose it could be worse and MULTIPLY?