Now and again, I have tried to meditate. It usually results in approximately 10 minutes of my mind being absorbed in how uncomfortable my back/knees are and that is it.
But at the course I discovered that meditation is not just a case of sitting yourself down in a cross-legged position gazing at a candle flame or other similar object. A support is involved. Indeed, this could be a candle, a flower, breathing or mantra. The analogy that Sarah used was the wild goat tethered to a post (the support) on a very long leash. The mind is the wild goat and although it will attempt to go as far away as it can, it is tethered and is continually reminded of the support when it pulls away too far.
As soon as I realised this, meditation became a completely different experience. It is funny how things happen just when you need them. Much of the day was talking about mindfulness. Recently I have realised that one's mind can be your own worst enemy. Anyone who wakes up at 4 in the morning with a worry or depressed will know what I mean. Your mind can put you in terrifying places.
Mindfulness is
knowing what is happening
while it is happening
without preference
knowing what is happening
while it is happening
without preference
I am going to write a bit more about mindfulness so do come back and check out the blog.
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