Following on from yesterday's blog, here are some tips for anyone preparing for exams.
- First of all, take a deep breath. And then another. It's amazing what pausing for a moment and focusing on your breathing can do. You need space. This is what breathing gives you - space in your lungs to ensure that you have enough oxygen to keep your body in good condition. And breathing gives you space in your mind.
- A lot of exam tension is caused by worry. Worry that there is not enough time. Worry that you won't know enough. Worry that you won't be able to answer the questions. Worry that you won't get the grades you need. Try detaching yourself from this worry and focusing on what you need do do. Breathing helps to create some distance from you worry. In this space, plan positive, practical steps.
- Organize your revision in small chunks. 30 minutes is ample. Anything over this and your concentration becomes less effective.
- Drink plenty of water throughout the day. This will keep you feeling refreshed.
- Get outside. Record things you need to know and download them onto your iPod or MP3 player. Take your revision for a walk.
- Don't let the internet suck away all your time. Be focused and stay in control of your time. Don't be distracted from what you need to do. If you lose this feeling of control, you allow worry to seep into the cracks.
- Eat regular healthy meals.
- Go to sleep at a reasonable time every night. Keep to a routine. Rather than work late into the night, get up at 6 and do an hour of clean, sharp revision.
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