First of all, many thanks to Harry for his comments. Anyone out there with a word to plant into the ether?
I don't know if you saw the Andrew Marr programme about Darwin and his fascination for earthworms. It seems that the whole of creation rests on their shoulders. If worms can have shoulders.
I have a sort of crockpot in the kitchen that I fill up with vegetable peelings, apple cores, egg shells, etc, which I periodically take to the communal compost bin at the bottom of the garden. Not having emptied the crockpot for a few days its contents had already turned into a mushy decomposing mess. I found this most satisfying. And then after I'd trundled to the composter to plop it in, I saw hundreds of wriggly earthworms munching through previous offerings.
Which is a very long-winded way of reflecting on the genius of nature and how far behind man is. We seem to create things that are indestructable and therefore unnatural. Nature flourishes, then decomposes and resurfaces as soil.
Maybe it is the same with language and we are just all wriggly earthworms in the great crockpot of words.
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