Thursday, 22 May 2008

Purveyors of sound information

How about that as a defining line for The Publishing Cupboard? It has only taken a year or so to home in on it, but I reckon it is the perfect strapline.

Yesterday I was bemoaning about the difficulty of getting into bookshops, particularly the big chains. The power often lies with a central buyer (or selector) whose job it is to select core stock for the entire bookchain.

As one who grew up in the 70s (pre-Waterstones), WH Smith was the main chain with a number of independent bookshops in my home town (Lancaster). This means I have fond memories of WHSmith and have always felt it to be the spiritual home of the Nod Offs. A product designed for people who like information rather than fiction. The non-celeb led public who are perhaps into hobbies and past times or seeking a higher plane.

But my attempts at engaging the WHbuyer's interest have proved rather feeble. Meanwhile, I've lost count of the number of people who tell me what a brilliant idea the Nod offs are.

I don't know what the answer is or even if there is an answer. Probably persistence.

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