Tuesday, 17 April 2007

Nod Off in French is published

After some delay we are delighted to announce the publication of Nod Off in French. Just in time for the stressful exam period. For those still wondering what the approach is all about. Here is a potted history of how it came about.

Following 15 years at Collins building their phrasebook list I was made redundant 18 months ago. As publishing jobs are so thin on the ground in Glasgow, I decided to set up as a micro publisher. My two passions are language and yoga (I am also a yoga teacher) and The Publishing Cupboard is where the two meet.

Recognizing that many people simply tense up at the prospect of learning a foreign language and that this tension can act as a barrier, I decided to use my experience as a yoga teacher to approach language learning from a more horizontal perspective. There is a relaxation technique in yoga which eases you into an almost sleep-like state but where the brain is still taking in information. Many actors use a similar method to learn their lines - recording them and then listening to them when they go to bed.

The result is Nod Off in.... Bénédicte Paviot (a bilingual presenter on radio and tv) begins with a relaxation session. Plus she has a voice to die for. Once you are lulled into an absorbing frame of mind you are hit with what is essentially French grammar, but explained very clearly.

It is ideal for the lifelong learning market. Particularly learners who would like to return to the firmer ground of grammar in as gentle a way as possible. It is also ideal for students of French who really need a sound knowledge of grammar but probably recoil from more traditional ways of learning it.

I feel it would also be useful for primary school teachers who have to teach French but may not feel as confident as they should in their French skills.

At £6.99 what will you lose? Not sleep - I can guarantee you that.

Now all this was the easy part. Getting it into the bookshops is a different kettle of fish. Do support your local bookshop and go in to order it. All feedback is welcome.

1 comment:

Harry Campbell said...

Just listened to Nod Off in French, and managed to stay awake too! Bénédicte Paviot really has the perfect voice for the job, soft soothing tones and impeccable English accent. I especially liked the bit about "if you're driving, skip the relaxation track"!